Wind Quintet (2005)
for flute, clarinet, oboe, French horn and bassoon
- durata ca. 6:30
- premiered by Petr Cígler´s Sine Nomine Quintet sometime in the
spring 2005 in Prague
- released on Young Blood (Czech Music Information Center
2005), see CDs
The piece’s sketch measures a meter and a half of millimeter
paper. In the pitch-time coordinates I drew squares of different
size and rotated in different ways, and acting freely and with
deliberation, I used the chart as an oracle to read off the notes
for the score as well as time proportions – what I devised here
was in fact a graphical generalization of some obsolete serial
technique. The chart (very nice one!) proved very helpful in
navigating through the creation of the piece and the whole
compositional process happily resulted into a very adventurous
journey full of surprise and discovering. To use more poetic
description, I would say that the Quintet explores ways in which a
wantonly melancholy chaos lines up in futile striving.
Dedicated to Pees.