Piano Concerto (2010-2012)
for piano solo and ensemble
- durata: ca 17 min
- commissioned by the Ostrava Center for New Music
- premiered by Daan Vandewalle and Ostravská banda (Roland
Kluttig, cond.) on 26th August 2013 in Ostrava, CZ
- available on LP (GOD36)
and on CD (Music of Ostrava Days 2013), see CDs
In this concerto, the ensemble music is a duet of two "infinite
melodies" progressing in semitone segments
(the violins) and whole-tone segments (the low instruments). The
solo piano part divides the composition into two equally long
sections. In the first section, the piano connects the music of
the two ensemble groups, like a zipper, in the imaginary middle of
the tonal space – it focuses ("sharpens") the melodic duet while
it following a simple principle.
In the second half, the piano seems to "support" the two voices as
if from within, creating an irregular "peristyle". The piano music
here is derived from the ensemble music in a slightly different
manner (yet still related) than in the first section.
Throughout the piece, the piano part is based on repeated notes, a
technique remote from the common "pianistic" approach to the
instrument. However, it is preciselsy this technique which
represents a special quality, the elegance of which is
inaccessible to any other instrument. The composition is therefore
a real "piano concerto" rather than a "pianist concerto", which
implies great demands required from the pianist on both technical
and psychological level.